Jesse is a true healer, and certainly not just in this lifetime!

My 1:1 session was absolutely incredible. Acupuncture, channeling, sound healing & Reiki were used. I floated out of there feeling like a completely different person (in a fantastic way), it's almost indescribable and something everyone should truly experience for themselves. After that session it just kept growing deeper and deeper for the entire week. I love that he helps you see things in a different light, flipping the script if you will. Opening your mind to endless options and ways of thinking you may not have encountered beforehand.

— Angel P.

I’ve had the pleasure of working the Jesse virtually, on the phone, and in person at a transformational healing retreat he held in Costa Rica.

The transformational healing retreat in Nosara, Costa Rica that Jesse held was like nothing I’ve experienced. It was unbelievably powerful and left me feeling so much lighter, more inspired and forever changed as a person in the best way possible. He offered individual healing sessions which included reiki, acupuncture, sound healing, and personalized guidance for my life. It was absolutely remarkable. The aches and pains I had in my joints, and the tension that was in my neck, was alleviated! Words cannot express Jesse’s talent and exceptional healing ability. Also offered during the retreat was a group plant medicine ceremony that was magical on so many level. Every day of the retreat followed perfectly. There was yoga and meditation to aid in our bodies physical and mental healing as well. I am forever grateful for the universe bringing Jesse & I together. His gifts keep on giving and I am truly thankful for his knowledge, his healing capabilities and more importantly his unconditional love.

— Elise P.

Jesse is an absolutely incredible healer.

I went to him with pain in my back. He didn’t just treat the pain, he took the time to uncover its root cause. He made me feel safe, heard and whole. His healing hands and caring nature salvaged my entire trip. I’m so grateful for the light that he brings to the world! Thank you Jesse

— Deb D.

Jesse is an exceptionally gifted healer.

His work with me been a catalyst for transformation in my life. His retreat offering that I attended was amazing and life changing! I will forever be grateful for the gifts he offers this world and that I have been so blessed to be a recipient of them.

— Amanda M.

Working with Jesse signaled a true turning point in my healing journey.

Once I started, there was an incredible shift in my overall energy levels and perspectives. Jesse lit a fire in me to clear what was blocking me from becoming the best version of myself. He masterfully helped me through that process like a trusted friend. He showed me how my debilitating trauma could lead to gifts that were meant for me to experience on my highest timeline if I chose to embrace them. He gave me the tools to take control of my destiny instead of feeling like a victim of my past. Working with him was the greatest game changer for my overall well-being. It set me on a lasting path of healing and joy. 

Jesse can immediately put me at ease through his calming demeanor and plethora of wisdom, like my own personal Dumbledore. He makes me feel comforted, heard, and important. He masterfully works to heal and connect my past, present, and future by offering guidance to heal my physical body, control my emotional response system, and most importantly accelerate my spiritual growth. He offered me hope when I ran out of my own supply. He believed in my worth and potential when I couldn’t believe in my own. In the beginning, I would enter sessions with Jesse feeling numb or overwhelmed. But I would leave them feeling euphoric, knowing all was as it should be.  

I encourage everyone who is interested in becoming the ultimate version of themselves and stepping out of the pain of their past to embrace the future that is truly meant for them to work with Jesse. He is here with us now to share his important gifts of healing, knowledge, and encouragement. His expertise and compassion are invaluable, especially if you are going through a time of transition and are in need of healing. 

Jesse offers multiple avenues of growth for women experiencing the effects of trauma. With his expertise in Eastern medicine, he understands that all systems of the body are connected. He treats both physical and spiritual discomfort, getting to the root cause of anxiety.  He offers insights into blockages in the body and has a deep toolbox of techniques and treatments for each unique patient. I have seen Jesse for acupuncture, reiki, and coaching to reach my highest timeline. Each avenue led to huge amounts of healing and epiphanies, and he has always treated me as a friend. He knows that each one of us has gifts that are unique and worthwhile, and therefore has a passion to release whatever is holding back each woman to tap into her power and become the best version of herself.

— Lindsay J.